Trip down South!

After having a confusing couple of months!(okay years!) A trip down south was a well needed tonic...Great

to spend time with my dear mother but a bonus that my brother Richard who lives in Denmark and younger bruv Paul were all there too! All staying at my sisters house while she is not there!!!but she was well missed!!! (better say that bit) no truly she was very missed!!...All our lives are so different, but there is always a bond that brings you together, so lots of times chatting over the dinning table and reminiscing about our child hood... Mother was in good form her brain and knowledge is astounding, she really should be a expert on the WAR!!! But dithers all over the place and confuses us all when her stories begin and end!!! do they end??? Her heart for all my siblings is true mother style, loves us unconditionally and so proud of each of us....but don't get her on politics!!!!

That is another story.... no wonder where I get certain attributes to my personality! but her mind is as sharpe as a button!!

Lovely catching up with Richard with all the news on his sons,wives and now grandchildren in Denmark

Such a proud father . He is a lovely man.......and Paul and Cedric it really is one man and his dog! treats him like a King!!

Cedric rules the roost! but the dogs singing was well worth the trip!!!

The brothers trip to see Dad was as expected, he is such a character...Bless dear old Ivan!!!

Loved the fact that I had posted a pic of him in his younger days on Fb!

Saw my niece Claire and daughter Emily, who's 3... I take my hat off to all parents!!! its hard work entertaining them!!!

A trip to London taking Dougie for meetings and Paul VJ day BBC. Got a few hours to my self loving London...

I drove Dougie around Hampshire and Sussex Chichester,Bosham etc There really is some stunning villages... brought back memories of childhood!!!

So did chats about dear Auntie Spratt!! with amusing stories!!!(she was our next door neighbour when we were children and I adopted her as my nanny as I didn't have one!!)

a lovely walk with cedric ended the perfect days of being with family!